Kambo is a Potent Medicine

Kambo is NOT for everyone who seeks it! We want to ensure Kambo is right for you.  Here is a few of our frequently asked questions.  If you would like to book a discovery call with one of our mentors to see if Kambo is right for you, please write to us by clicking the button below

  • How do I prepare for a ceremony?

    No two journeys are identical!!!

    Kambo is known as an ordeal medicine. The experience can be very difficult, but it can also be very beautiful and euphoric. You never really know what you're going to get when you're preparing to sit with Kambo.

    You want to sit and ask yourself why you are seeking the wisdom of Kambo and what you hope to gain out of the experience. This will not only help guide your practitioner to locate gateways to activate, but will also guide your journey with the medicine. You can have one big intention or several, this is your journey and your healing process and we want you to get the most out of it as possible.

    It is important to note that Kambo is not a magical cure for all your ailments and traumas. It is a spirit medicine and only part of the equation to your particular healing process which will be as unique as you are. If you have done lots of research on your condition and Kambo you may have read how one person experienced full regression and seek that for yourself, but where they may have only needed a few sessions, you may require dozens (or vice versa). Be open to your own healing process and understand it is not a one size fits all process.

    Please be sure to read over the list below and come to ceremony prepared with everything you will need.  If anything has changed since you filled out your medical form, please notify your practitioner.

  • Is Kambo dangerous?

    The long and short answer to this is YES.  In the wrong hands of ill trained practitioners, Kambo can be dangerous and even life-threatening.

    That being said, if you have found a practitioner that requires an extensive medical information waiver and who takes the time to review it before determining your eligability to sit in ceremony and who has had proper IN-PERSON training with a reputable organization (online training does NOT prepare a practitioner for the safety protocols necessary in emergency situations), chances are, your approval is based on whether it is safe for you to sit or not, which rules out the possibility of experiencing anything dangerous.

    Questions you will want to ask a practitioner during your interview process PRIOR to submitting a deposit:

    1. Who are you trained with?

    2. How many days was your training?

    3. Before graduating, did you get any hands on experience with real life participants?

    4. Where were your mentors trained?

    Things to know:

    1. Those trained in the jungle are not well-verse in contraindications in western society and are less likely to have full-disclosure medical forms.  This is NOT always the case, however, it is good to know that most jungle trained practitioners will serve almost anyone. The reason behind this is that in the jungle, the tribes are not exposed to the things we are exposed to in North America and Europe.

    2. Three to four day crash course Kambo trainings are not thorough or extensive and essentially prepare the "practitioner" to serve themselves and not others, yet there are MANY courses out there offering this, both in-person and online, and are the courses behind many of the Kambo related deaths.

    3. It is ideal that the practitioner you choose to sit with is well-versed in your particular situation.  While not everyone has the same perspective or reaction to similar situations, it is recommended that you align with a beacon of light and hope to guide you through your process.

  • What is Intention Setting?

    What is intention setting and why do we do it?

    Intentions helps us focus on what you want to get out of the experience, it is your reason why for sitting.  

    Intentions are an important part of your process.  They help us direct your ceremony and help guide us on gateway placement and method.

    Your intention will be specific to you, but some examples would be to aleviate depression, increase sexual stamina, detox the body, heal the heart, purge toxins.  Whatever your intention is, please be prepared to share it in the group or in private with your practitioner.

  • What do I bring to my ceremony?

    Although every ceremony and facilitator is different, ideally, comfort is the main concern.  We want you to feel comfortable and safe as you experience Kambo and our suggestions below are based on what we would want ourselves in a ceremony.

    • Yoga Mat

    • Pillow & Blanket to accommodate comfort and fluctuating temperatures

    • Change of clothes and personal toiletries in case of accidents

    • Towel in case you need to shower afterwards

    • Half gallon / 2 liters of water and 2 limes or lemons

    • Vegetarian / Vegan food item to share with the group after closing

    • Private sessions - please have a soup or salad ready for after ceremony closing

    • Any crystal or talisman you work with and want  to bring with you

    • Notebook and pen

    • Your intentions for sitting

    • Flowers for spirit

    • Donation or exchange in cash in an envelope with your name written on it

  • Should I fast?

    To sit with Kambo, you must fast for 4 to 12 hours beforehand.  We work with four traditions and tribes that utilize the medicine differently, depending on your intention, your practitioner will determine which method is best suited to serve you.  If it is your first time sitting, it is best to fast for 12 hours before ceremony.

    This fast requires you to avoid liquid and solids for the duration of your fast.  No water, no tea, no coffee, no juice, no toast, no breakfast, no salad.  Unless otherwise specified by your practitioner beforehand, please do NOT consume anything for the duration of the fasting period you have been recommended.

    We do NOT recommend fasting for more than 12 hours as this can damage internal organs and create health issues.  Please be sure to fuel your body with good nutrient dense foods and lots of good drinking water in the days leading up to ceremony and refrain from extensive fasting.

  • Why do I need to bring limes?

    Limes help balance electrolytes after the experience and help the settle stomach after purging.

    It is really important that you do not forget your limes!  They are medicine for your medicine and help move stuck energies.  Don't forget the limes!

  • Is there a dieta to follow?

    Kambo is very "come as you are" and will guide you to where you are going.  

    We always recommend that you eat as light and as clean as possible before a cleanse, however, this is a recommendation and not a rule.

    We recommend avoiding heavy foods like white rice, pasta, red meats, spicy foods, alcohol and foods high in saturated fats and sugars.  

    Its ideal to eat salads, fresh fish, akalizing foods and drinking lots of good clean water at least two weeks before ceremony.

    We also recommend abstaining from using marijuana and other recreational drugs for at least three days beforehand.

  • What happens if I don't follow the dieta?

    The dieta is a recommendation for Kambo and not a rule.  If you do not follow it and prepare according to our recommendations, we will still work with you.  However, it is important to note that your experience may be a lot more challenging and the purge may be more difficult than need be.

    Kambo brings our internal toxins to the surface so they can be purged from our systems to give us a bit of a system reset and detoxification, so the cleaner you come into Kambo, the easier the process can be.

  • Does Kambo leave scars?

    The long and short answer is YES.

    However, some people heal better than others and the scars are barely visable.  Using things like C-60 and aloe can aid in this healing process and reduce the visibility of your Kambo gateways.

  • What kinds of purges are there?

    Typically, with Kambo, purge is inevitable.  Oral purging is the most common method of releasing the toxins within the system that Kambo brings to the surface.  This can be uncomfortable as the peptides work in the stomach to release the gastric enzymes and create contractions to aid in the process of elimination.  But there are many other ways to purge, such as bottom purging, sweating, urination, laughing, crying, singing ect ect.  No matter the purge, its important to always cleanse during the purge process to help transmute the energies of the purge.

  • Do I have to sit with Sananga & NüNü?

    Sananga and NüNü are sister medicines to Kambo and have been used in the tribes together for as long as Kambo use has been recorded and long before that.  

    We use sananga to clear the third eye and congestion and NüNü, a snuff tobacco, has many benefits in ceremony, from cleansing the nasal cavity to assisting in understanding what has been purged.  We often offer these medicines together in ceremony, however, it is not mandatory.  If you are not called to work with these medicines, you will not be forced to receive them and it will not negate your Kambo experience.

  • Can I sit with other medicines before Kambo?


    Your safety is of the utmost importance to us and we are able to share Kambo with you before another ceremony, to cleanse and prepare you for sitting, but it is not advised to sit with Kambo after another ceremony unless there has been at least a three day cool off period.

    Grandmother meditation tea has MAOI inhibitors and is designed to slow down the process of elimination so the experience is longer.  Kambo speeds up the process, sending an equally opposite message to a vital organ.  Some people have safely done this, but in other situations this has led to ferratin levels dropping in the liver, leading to anemia.  We do not recommend Kambo after sitting with Grandmother unless there has been a three day waiting period.

  • How long is the experience?

    Kambo itself is approximately 20-40 minutes long.

    The ceremony is scheduled for 4-5 hours to allow time for people to come back into their bodies.

    We have ceremony open, intention setting, sananga application, Kambo experience, NüNü meditation, closing and post ceremony food sharing.

    The effects of Kambo typically end within the hour, however, some people can experience symptoms and side effects for up to a day or two.  Its recommended to take the day to integrate the experience and to sit quietly with everything that may or may not come up.

    In a group ceremony setting it is important that everyone who opens ceremony stay until we close ceremony.  This is to protect the energies and keep everyone feeling safe.

  • How often can I do Kambo?

    Most rituals require someone to sit two or three times in a row.

    The space between will depend on your own personal needs and intentions with the medicine.  Some people with medical health concerns, who choose Kambo as a holistic option, may want to sit more frequently than someone who is sitting to detox and reset their system.

    There is no hard fast rule as to how much or how little Kambo someone can do, but we do have recommendations we teach our students in the Kambo Initiation which do not recommend more than 12 ceremonies per year for a healthy person.

  • Are there contraindications with Kambo?

    Yes there are.

    Kambo is safe when utilized by a trained practitioner because there are some health conditions in which Kambo can be dangerous. It is important to speak with a trained and certified practitioner prior to experiencing Kambo. Consulting with a practitioner to ensure Kambo is right for you is an important step in the process towards working with this sacred medicine from the Amazon.

    As amazing as this medicine is and despite the fact that the peptides are bioactive, Kambo is NOT for everyone!

  • Can I get a refund?

    Typically we only ask that you make a non-refundable deposit to secure your spot.  

    However, we are compassionate and understand that sometimes life happens and situations arise that require us to change plans, so with sufficient notice, we can move your deposit to another date.  

    In urgent short notice situations, where we are unable to fill your seat, we can make exceptions and move your deposit to another time, however, this is only in exceptional circumstances.

    Every other circumstance would render the deposit portion as non-refundable.

  • Can I drive after?

    Typically, most people are okay to drive home afterwards, but it is ideal to have alternate modes of transportation just in case.  Since your experience cannot be known or guaranteed, we suggest making arrangements for a ride or take an uber after ceremony.  While most people take the time to recharge and recover afterwards, there have been instances where a participant has a challenging release and is completely exhausted.  In these instances, for your safety, we recommend permitting yourself extra time to rest at the studio prior to driving if alternatives cannot be made or taking an uber.

  • Who am I now?

    One of the biggest questions that happens after ceremony is who am I now without the trauma I have been carrying for years or even decades?

    The only answer suitable to this question is "who do you want to be and how do you want to show up in the world?"

    So, lets create yourself anew!

  • How do I process my experience?

    Post ceremony care is vital and important.  You may experience a wide range of emotions or thoughts that come to surface to be reviewed or released. 

    If you find you are struggling with this process or having thoughts that seem concerning, please reach out to your practitioner for support right away!

    You do NOT have to go through this alone and it is important that you don't!

    However, here are some suggestions to support the process of integrating the experience:

    1. Honor your feelings and allow them to be expressed in a healthy way.  Yes, even anger can be expressed in a way that avoids surpressing it.

    2. Journaling is a powerful tool that is often overlooked.  Allow yourself to write any and everything that comes up without judgment.

    3. Walking in nature aids in many ways during the integration process that allows your mind and body to relax into who you are becoming.

    4. Bathing, especially detox baths that contain salts and clays, helps our body release things that are coming up on a physical level.

    5.  Pillow screaming can truly harness our deepest inner emotions and allow them to be released from our energy field.

    There are many integration therapists who can support you further if you are feeling stuck.  We are here to help!

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