
What does it mean to be a certified IASP Kambo Carrier?

A certified and trained Kambo Practitioner affiliated with IASP exemplifies the solemn duty and profound responsibility that comes with being a steward of sacred medicine. With unwavering integrity and profound respect, we honor the invaluable traditions and wisdom generously bestowed upon us by the indigenous tribes. Our discernment enables us to judiciously accept those we serve (whether ourself and/or others), aligning with our own evolving paths, and to discern when it is appropriate to facilitate a ceremony based on our present personal circumstances.

The pursuit of monetary gain is never the driving force behind our service. Instead, it emanates from the depths of our hearts, where the paramount concern is the safety and well-being of each participant, upholding the exacting standards set forth by IASP. An IASP Trained Practitioner steadfastly prioritizes the participant's welfare, even if it necessitates the deferment of a ceremony when we find ourselves not in optimal alignment to serve.

Graduates of IASP transcend competition, abstaining from diminishing fellow practitioners for personal advancement. We wholeheartedly trust that each participant will be intuitively drawn to the practitioner most suited for their unique journey. In the spirit of unity, our students foster an environment of mutual encouragement and collaborative effort, fortifying a foundation of support and cohesion.

An IASP practitioner exudes a sense of pride in their craft, demonstrating an ongoing commitment to professional development and self-improvement. We recognize ourselves as perpetually evolving beings, affording dedicated time for self-reflection and growth. Embracing the ethos that learning is an infinite journey, we remain open to the boundless depths of knowledge.

With great reverence, we acknowledge the critical importance of maintaining a safe, sacred space. This means abstaining from overstepping boundaries, refraining from any form of inappropriate conduct, and safeguarding the confidentiality of any personal disclosures made during ceremony.

As the field of Kambo continues to expand, we remain dedicated to staying abreast of the latest scientific advancements and literature. In doing so, we commit to sharing these insights with our peers, contributing to the collective wisdom of our community.

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